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Saving Your Planet: Top Tips

Have you ever wondered how you can make a change to help defeat climate change? Maybe your colleagues, or family, friends or neighbours have been encouraging you to start making small changes to stop global warming? Whether its that or something else, this is the right place for you! Let us help you start to make a change.

1) One Action a Month

Here at Saving Your Planet we give you one challenge to complete every month which will have a massive positive impact on saving the planet. This action is just one small action, one small change to your life and by committing to this, you will be playing your part. You can find these actions at the bottom of our home page or under the "How You Can Help Make a Change" section under the 'Lets Take Action' button in the home bar.

2) Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is a massive contributor to land pollution and landfills and in turn affects the planet. If you want to play your part you should try to reduce your food waste in your home. This could consist of being more on top of you food stocks by checking your stocks before you go shopping to make sure you buy only what you need and freeze food that is about to go off rather than letting it go off and then be thrown out. You should also make sure you cook only what you will eat and freeze or re-heat leftovers for later.   

3) Reduce Plastic Pollution

Plastics are a huge nuisance to the planet. The main problem with them is that they are not bio-degradable (they don't break down) and therefore remain on the land for hundreds of years. 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year and 40% of that is single - use plastics (plastics we only use once). This plastic ends up in landfill, in the oceans - killing our animals, our biodiversity. It is essential that we, as a globe, cut down on our plastic usage and this is where you can start your journey in saving the planet. It could be something simple like using a re-usable water bottle or coffee cup rather than a plastic one or start using re-usable straws instead of plastic ones (anything reusable will work!). 

4) Choose Your Food Wisely

Food, although many would never think this true, does actually have an impact on climate change and nature. You should cut down on the amount of fish you eat in order to boost marine animal populations. Overfishing is a huge problem currently and fish stocks are decreasing at an alarming rate. The amount of cod and herring in the seas has been reduced to barely none, and yet we're still eating. There are so many healthy alternatives and its time we start to eat them, in order to preserve what's in the oceans now for future generations.

5) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; you've heard it many times. Yet, its so important. Reduce your waste. The amount you buy, the amount of plastics you use, the amount of unneeded food you purchase, reduce it all! Then reuse what you can, reuse essential plastics, leftover food, water, clothes - anything that can possibly be reused multiple times. Then recycle, recycle your paper, recycle your plastics, however be careful - make sure that you recycle only what can be put in the recycling bin. Find an article on recycling; how you can recycle, what can be recycled here. Do it! Its so important.

So there's 5 miniature tips to get you started! You can go further and further in your action, depending on how willing you are to save the planet. See further articles on our website!

Saving Your Planet

Welcome to Saving Your Planet. SYP aims to spread awareness about the climate crisis by providing interesting articles about the causes, effects of climate change and how you can help make a change. We offer small monthly actions which we encourage you to take that will help save your planet. We help you understand the information by attaching links on key terms to a keywords page that gives you a full definition and we include a series of images and reflection boxes to make our articles particularly interesting and informative. 

Causes of Climate Change

How is Climate Change occurring the first place? From deforestation to the burning of fossil fuels, learn how our activity is leading to this global crisis.

Effects of Climate Change

What is Climate Change doing to our planet? Why do we need to save our planet? Storms and drought, changing weather systems and flooding - the danger is already occurring. Learn about it here.

Climate Change in the News

See how climate change is already affecting our planet with real-life examples happening near and far every week.

How You Can Make a Change

So you've read above about the dangers and all the destruction that is happening on our planet as a result of climate change. Now its time to take action.

One Action a Month

By carrying out one action a month, we are already beginning to make a change. Every month, find one challenge to complete by making one small change to your lives that will help you play your part in Saving Your Planet.

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